
Showing posts from December, 2015

Closing Time

I cannot believe it's time to close out 2015 already!  I swear this was the fastest year in my life. Nothing really major happened, it just flew by. These recap blog posts can get a little tedious sometimes, but I really enjoy taking the time to look back!  So join me in the past for a minute. JANUARY We rang in the new year with some friends at a party at our house. I WROTE A BOOK!  Little did I know how easy the first draft would be. Skip and I got a date night and were able to see American Sniper FEBRUARY Charlie moved up into a big girl bed . We had a great Valentine's Day as a family. It was 10 years since Skip came home from Iraq ....a day I never take for granted. MARCH Poor Emmy broke my heart.  I gave you my favorite workout tips and tricks. APRIL We had a nice, low-key Easter. That was really the only thing of note. It was still cold for a bit in April, and I was knee-deep in finishing the edits on my novel. MAY I got to meet Taya Kyle, and it was FANTASTIC! It w

Resolution Recap

I'm a big fan of resolutions.  Even if I don't keep them all, I like the chance to take stock and evaluate how I want my life to change or be tweaked. Last year I went easy on the resolutions.  I only made three: {one} Run a half-marathon...should happen in the fall {two} Inspired by Melissa , I want to run 1,000 miles this year {three} Get my book published.  Sure, I could go through the process and no one will actually pick it up, but I am going to do everything I can to find an agent and make it happen! Umm, yeah, so basically none of these happened, haha. Being on crutches four times this year basically made #1 and #2 impossible.  I did manage 700 miles though, so I'm pretty proud of that! I stopped recording the time, so I don't think the hours or pace are acurate I also did not get my book published.  Though I am much closer than I was before.  I'm hoping to have some positive moves in that direction sometime in the new year.  Plus, I've also written and

What else could go wrong?

So we left off yesterday with me attempting to slide down the stairs because of the intense pain in my foot.  I managed to get myself to the couch, where I sat in tears until Skip came home around 11:00 pm.  Seriously, I've had two kids, but this was some of the most intense pain I'd ever felt. It was no good. Under my direction, Skip finished setting up all the gifts and eating the Santa cookies.  We were all ready for the big man to pay us a visit! The next morning, dressed in our matching Christmas jammies, we all came downstairs at 6:00 am. {Skip had snagged my crutches from the attic, so I was better off than the night before}. The girls were absolutely amazed by all their gifts, and there is truly nothing more magical than seeing their little faces light up.  It was a picture-perfect morning. Skip ran out and grabbed some bagels for lunch for us, while I sadly had to cancel plans with a friend. I knew that wrangle two littles while on crutches wasn't the best idea eve

Have yourself an interesting little Christmas

I'd like to say that this was the most wonderful, magical Christmas ever.  I had spent most of December focusing on the little things, and not letting myself get swept up in the stress of the holiday.  I wanted to just enjoy it. And for the most part I did.  Truly.  Even though life kept trying to throw things my way to derail our plans. First off, Skip had to work all of Christmas week....including Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. It was hard on the girls, who kept crying to me and asking why their dad couldn't have a normal job like everyone else:( So I was determined to make it as fun for them as possible. We made lots of cookies and treats together {which is really the best part I think} and they delivered them to our neighbors on Christmas Eve morning. My family came over for a huge feast on Christmas Eve and lots of present opening.  Despite the glass dish breaking in the oven and filling my downstairs with smoke, we had a fabulous time. Sufficiently sugared up and excite