
Spring Pictures

The girls recently had their spring pictures taken at school. Charlie had refused to take the fall ones, but I had high hopes for these ones. And let me tell you, they did not disappoint! Love my sweet girls!

Mother's Day

I had the most perfect Mother's Day this year! First, we went down the shore a little early to visit my mom. Then on the actual day, I was absolutely spoiled all day. There's nothing I love more than relaxing and spending the day with my little family!

A beach visit

During spring break, I took the girls down the shore to visit with my mom. It was the first time the four of us were alone down there...and we had a great time! Pizza at Panzones of course. Then we stopped at the toy store, of course. And no trip is complete without a walk on the beach!! It made me so excited for the summer!

April catch up

Let's see if I can do a massive recap from like April. Easter was awesome this year. Skip was able to take off, which was such a treat! And since Christmas was basically a mess, we wanted to have a simple, special day. We did the typical baskets/egg hunt with the girls first thing. Then we went to church, and out to lunch {at Houlighans cause we're super classy}. Then we went to my SIL's for dessert. I loved that most of the day was spent with my little family of four! The next day we surprised the girls with a trip to the aquarium.  They loved it! Skip went on Emmy's field trip with her at the zoo, and they had a great time together! Then he took her a girl scout event. That day I got to see Charlie at her magnet presentation at school. Then I took her to a smaller zoo to see some animals ourselves! I love when we get to spend quality time with each one. Family time has been a priority when we can get it, especially since I was writing all the time recently. We had a p...

Look who blogged!

So when I made this private, I didn't actually mean I'd stop blogging, but it just sort of happened that way. But I'm hoping to hop on here a bit and update. I'm not even completely sure that this private thing works, and that people can actually read it here, but I'm just doing it for me. But if you can see this, then hi! Most of my absence has to do with my writing career. Or hopeful career as it was. Until I actually get a book sold, it's still more of a glorified hobby. Anyways, I had to get my newest manuscript done and sent off to my agent {which is still so exciting}. Now I wait for her to edit it. Our plan is to try and sell it to the publishing companies later summer/early fall. I've taken a little time off writing, mainly cause I was putting in every free minute I had and didn't want to burn out. Can't stay away long though, and have started plotting my next one. But I'm going at a much slower pace, and am hoping to find the time to upd...