April catch up

Let's see if I can do a massive recap from like April.

Easter was awesome this year. Skip was able to take off, which was such a treat! And since Christmas was basically a mess, we wanted to have a simple, special day.

We did the typical baskets/egg hunt with the girls first thing. Then we went to church, and out to lunch {at Houlighans cause we're super classy}. Then we went to my SIL's for dessert.

I loved that most of the day was spent with my little family of four!

The next day we surprised the girls with a trip to the aquarium.  They loved it!

Skip went on Emmy's field trip with her at the zoo, and they had a great time together! Then he took her a girl scout event.

That day I got to see Charlie at her magnet presentation at school. Then I took her to a smaller zoo to see some animals ourselves!

I love when we get to spend quality time with each one.

Family time has been a priority when we can get it, especially since I was writing all the time recently.

We had a picnic together

and went to the movies.

Okay, this is way too long already. Will add more tomorrow!


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