Random Mish Mash

I can't believe we're almost halfway done with February. I love how quickly this winter is flying by. Especially with the sub-0 temps we're supposed to get this weekend, I can't wait for it to be spring. Here's a little recap of what's been going on around here. -my foot still hurts. I'm so over this. My dr gave me a nerve stimulating machine that I have to use for 30 minutes 3 times a day. It was helping, but unfortunately Skip kneeled on my foot last week, then accidentally pulled it in the wrong direction last night, so I'm in a lot of pain still. I also now think that not only did I sprain the mid foot, but also the lower ankle as well. I'll be calling the dr next week if it's not better. 7 weeks in I'm so, SO done. - Emmy is SO grown up these days. Seriously, she's 7 going on 17. That comes with it's own challenges, but I just love seeing the person she has turned into. She was doing math problems for fun tonight {so not from me}...