Random Mish Mash

I can't believe we're almost halfway done with February. I love how quickly this winter is flying by. Especially with the sub-0 temps we're supposed to get this weekend, I can't wait for it to be spring.
Here's a little recap of what's been going on around here.

-my foot still hurts. I'm so over this. My dr gave me a nerve stimulating machine that I have to use for 30 minutes 3 times a day. It was helping, but unfortunately Skip kneeled on my foot last week, then accidentally pulled it in the wrong direction last night, so I'm in a lot of pain still. I also now think that not only did I sprain the mid foot, but also the lower ankle as well. I'll be calling the dr next week if it's not better. 7 weeks in I'm so, SO done.

- Emmy is SO grown up these days. Seriously, she's 7 going on 17. That comes with it's own challenges, but I just love seeing the person she has turned into. She was doing math problems for fun tonight {so not from me} and she and I took a special trip to Bath and Body Works yesterday. The joy she had over getting her own body wash and lotion was just the sweetest thing ever. They're right when you're holding a newborn and say don't blink.  Cause man it goes by fast.

- Same for my little Charlie bear. Thankfully girlfriend is still the snuggliest thing ever, but she's growing too fast as well. She is loving school and is all signed up for kindergarten next year.  She even has started reading a few words these days. She absolutely loves letters, the sounds they make, and blending them together. She also can talk for hours of what animals comes from eggs, and which from mommy's bellies. But don't worry, monkey still comes with us everywhere.

- I was absolutely OBSESSED with Grease Live. I'm not a fan of these live shows, but I've always loved Grease. This one did not disappoint. I made the girls watch it with me as well.  Emmy loves Danny Zuko by the way. And yes, I can still hand jive!

-Writing is going well. Fingers crossed I might hear something this week about my long process to get one of my first two books published. Meanwhile, I'm almost half-way done with novel #3! Really hoping I can turn this all into a career soon, because I absolutely love it.

- We had a bunch of our friends over for the Super Bowl this weekend. There was a lot of laughs and way too much food! I told each of the girls to think of a recipe. Charlie made fruit kabobs and Emmy made pomegranate water and also vanilla ice cream with chunks of banana in them. We all had such a fun night! Also, the Eli Manning memes were my favorite part.

- Today was Ash Wednesday and the start of Lent. I've decided to give up chocolate this year. Skip doesn't think it's a good idea, though I think he's more afraid for himself, haha. Let's see how it goes!

- Have been reading a lot recently. November 9 by Colleen Hoover, and One Plus One by Jojo Moyes were my favorites. Reading 13 Hours now.  And have you all see the preview for Me Before You? It's based on the novel by JoJo Moyes. That book changed me as a person. Seriously. I had to go on a 5 mile run as soon as I finished it because I needed time to process it. Definitely can't wait for the movie!

What have you all been up to?


  1. I'm sorry your foot is still bothering you. I hope you get some relief soon! XOXO Your girls look so grown up. It goes by way too quickly!

  2. Boo on the foot still hurting! I'm sorry. Ryan and I LOVED Grease Live, I thought it was so well done! Way better than the Sound of Music, I only watched maybe ten minutes of that before I gave up. Good luck with the no chocolate this year. I am not giving anything up this year (hey, being pregnant I have given a lot of things up already!) but I am trying to make sure our church attendance is spot on and we do some extra bible time as a family.


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