Before I go any farther with this thing, I should probably explain who I am. My name's Mandy and I turned 26 in October (though I still like to think I'm only 23!) I have two sisters who are more like best friends and live only three blocks away from my parents. My family is very close and we always have a great time together. I have been married for 3 1/2 years and love my husband, Skip, more than anything. (more on him and our relationship later!) I was a middle school teacher for three years and even though it was often challenging, I loved it and miss it still. However I "retired" at the end of last year after finding out I was pregnant with my first child. It is very important to Skip and I that I stay home with our little girl, Meredith It has taken some time, but I am adjusting well to my new role as stay-at-home mom and wife. I love getting to stay in my pajamas all day if I want to, and never having to venture out in the snow....b...