Doctor Visits:(

Skip and I took Meredith to the doctor on Thursday for her two month visit. Even though my husband works crazy hours and is never home on the weekends, he is often home in the middle of the week. This is helpful when it comes to things like taking the baby to the doctor, because I am not yet brave enough to do it myself. This one was going to be tough as well, since Meredith was due for her first two big shots. The doctor had already warned us at the last visit that should would probably get a fever from them...her first ever:( The beginning of the visit was fine...she is now 10 lbs 6 oz and 22 3/4" putting her in the 50% in weight and 75% in height (so I'm already guessing she will be bigger than her Mommy one day!) Then came time for the shots. Thankfully her doctor splits up the four sets of two-month shots, so she only got two this time and will get two more next month. But it was horrible to see them stick my crying baby in each thigh, and see her promptly begin to bleed! Once they put two bandaids on each of her little legs I immediately scooped her up and tried to console her. It is so hard because I know it is the best thing for her, but it is so hard to take, especially because she is too little for me to explain it to her. And seeing tiny tears roll down her cheeks just breaks my heart every time. I will continue to dread these visits for the next few years. Thankfully she did not actually get a fever that night. The doctor had us give her some Tylenol when we got home, which just made her a little sleepy, and hopefully made her forget about the pain! On a more positive note, Meredith now goes down to bed at 8pm every night and sleeps till 8 am with only one feeding either at 3am or 5am. It has made such a difference for me, knowing I can either get some chores done or go to bed early once she is down. I'm still not sleeping a ton, but it is MUCH better than before! It's sad that getting four or five straight hours of sleep is the most amazing thing ever to me! Now if I can only get her to nap regularly during the day, everything will be perfect!


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