Semper Fi Sweetheart

This is just a little background information on how my wonderful husband and I met....and the difficult time we had to go through as a young couple. We met on a warm August night in 2003 at the house of a mutual friend. Only one month passed before we were madly in love...and one month after that we learned that his Marine Corps reserve unit had been put on alert and would be deploying sometime in the next coming months. This was not a new concept to me, as my cousin and a few close friends had graduated from West Point a few years earlier. I was already accustomed to writing daily letters, emails, and sending packages as often as possible. I was known as a "One Woman USO Show" after knitting camouflage-colored scarves for several soldiers. So I was very aware of what went into supporting a deployed serviceman. But this time it was different....this was the man I had already planned to spend the rest of my life with. Whether or not we would stay together was never a question, and this was cemented when Skip presented me with a promise ring the night before he left for training that May. He was in California for the next few months before surprising me one weekend at the beginning of August. But his visit, only 5 days before deploying to Iraq, was not the only surprise he had in store for me. That was also the weekend we got engaged!! I was both the happiest and saddest I have ever been in my life that day. I absolutely loved staring at my beautiful ring, imagining our upcoming wedding and future together, but it was bittersweet as there were months of uncertainty lying ahead of us. While the rest of my friends were enjoying the final carefree year of college, I was faced with the very real possibility that the man I had just agreed to spend the rest of my life with would not return to me.

I spent the next seven months in a daze. My days were spent trying to concentrate on classes, work, student teaching and writing at least one email and one hand-written letter a nights were spent catching a few hours of sleep here and there, in between 3 am phone calls and AIM conversations from Skip (that time difference was the worst!) There was never a moment that he wasn't on my mind, worrying about him and praying for his safe return. We were much luckier than others in that we got to talk on the phone and online almost every day. However this fact did make it harder on the weeks they would shut down communication to the entire base , as I was in constant fear that something had happened to him. I pretty much lived at the post office sending packages and stalking my mail box for those ever coveted letters. I checked my email about every five minutes and never went anywhere without my cell phone. I would even leave right in the middle of class if he called me! Phone calls were constantly being cut off mid-conversation as satellite phones are pretty much the worst in the world. So our conversations always starting with us saying how much we loved each other, and we would say it again about every minute or so, just in case we got cut off right after. We never fought as you were always fearful that the one time you did, it would be the last conversation you had with them. We hardly ever talked about what was going on over there. I would fill him in on my day and we talk about our plans for the future. We spent hours online searching for houses and condos we would buy once he got home. We were always just trying to stay positive.

One of the most frustrating things was we never really knew exactly when he would be coming home, and the military is always running rampant with rumors. For awhile he had heard that they would be coming home in March and then redeplying again in June for 18 months. Thankfully that never happened, but those few days were devestating to me. Because of all this, I couldn't even really plan the wedding I was so desperate to have. I did meet with the church and reception hall, but could only pencil in tentative dates without deposits because no one knew when or in what condition he would be coming home. Unfortunately this also meant that when he did come home I had only about 4 months to plan an entire wedding and buy and move into a place to live!

The only way I survived this time though was due to my family and two new friends, Meredith and Lauren. Both of their boyfriends were in the same unit as my husband. As much as my other friends tried to be there for me, they just couldn't really understand what I was going through. But Meredith and Lauren knew exactly what I was feeling. We traded phone calls, emails, and tried to visit during vacations. The support of my "Marine's Girls" was the most important thing to me and helped me through this rough time. And even though we all live far and don't get to see each other as much as we would like, this experience bonded us in a special way forever and we will be friends for a long time.

Finally though it was time for them to come home. February 26, 2005 was the single best day of my life. I know I should say it was my wedding day, or the day my daugher was born, but neither of those two things would have happened if Skip had not come home. It was such an amazing experience standing on the runway with Meredith and Lauren, holding each other and crying, as we watched the plane land and the doors open. We each broke apart as we saw our respective man and ran to them, as "Proud to be an American" played over the loud speaker (it was straight out of a movie!) That first hug and kiss were absolutely perfect. It didn't matter that there were hundreds of people surrounding us, or that Skip hadn't showered in days, or that his M16 was still strapped to his chest...he was home, safe, and in my arms. It was as though we were in the only two people in the world.

After that moment we were completely inseperable. I was almost afraid that it was just a dream that he had come home, and would constantly reach out and touch him just to make sure it was real. As terrible as the whole experience was, it has really helped our relationship overall. We appreciate all the time we have together, knowing anything can take it away in an instant. We try (and usually succeed) in not fighting over the little things and never forgetting just how blessed we are that he came home safe and in one piece. I just love him more than anything in life and am so happy to have him home, and out of the Marines!


  1. AWE, this was a little sad but so sweet! I wanted to go back from the begining to "get to know you." I do it with all my new blog friends, I like knowing who's blog I'm reading. I also taught middle school for 3 years.


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