A VERY Thankful Thursday!

It works out perfectly that today is Thursday, the day I dedicate this blog to all the things I'm thankful for.  Today is also February 26th, which is the anniversary of the day my Skip came home from Iraq.  Four years ago today I was standing on the runway of a small military base in Willow Grove, PA, freezing my butt off, because you know I was not dressing for comfort on that day!  Every year on this day my husband and I rewatch the video we have of his arrival back to the US (ok, so it's more like I make him watch it with me)  I think it's so important to always remember what he went through and just how beyond happy we were that day.  So today, and everyday, I am thankful that my husband came home safe and sound from Iraq...and I am also thankful that this year we can share this anniversary with our healthy and happy daughter:)


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