Eight Golden Hours

I don't think I will ever figure out this whole baby schedule thing.  Meredith seems to change her mind on her sleeping schedule all the time.  However, last night it was a good change.  She slept through the night...the entire night!!  We put her down at 7:30, which is half an hour earlier than her normal bedtime.  But she seemed really tired so we put her down early.  I assumed that because we had put her down earlier than normal, she would wake up even earlier in the morning.  However, at 6:00 I awoke with a start.  The baby hadn't woken up yet!  I panicked that something was wrong and quick went into her room to check on her.  I was so relived when I saw she was sleeping peacefully still.  I went back to bed and didn't wake up until I heard the baby crying at 7:30.  She slept for 12 hours straight!  I could not believe it!  It was so great because it allowed me to get 8 straight hours of sleep last night.  That hasn't happened since before she was born, so I was ecstatic to be so well rested:)  I know that she won't sleep this well every night from now on, but it does give me hope that some time in the future she will!  Now if we could just figure out this whole napping during the day thing we'll be all set!


  1. Yay! I remember doing that same panic thing, too! Sleep is incredible, especially when you're totally sleep deprived. Once you start to get some good rest, you'll want some more. Hopefully, Meredith is a quick learner and will understand how good sleep is!

    --Campbell Hoffman


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