Hold your baby tight

Last week was a tough week for the husband and I. It started out with Meredith's pink eye (which she has recovered from nicely!) Then, a woman he works with lost her 22 year son to a drug overdose. She is a pretty close friend of Skip's, and is constantly talking about her kids. This really hit us hard, as that is the first child we know who has died since we had Meredith. As soon as you have a baby, you immediately begin to worry about EVERYTHING. I am constantly paranoid that something awful is going to happen to Meredith.  I also worry that something will happen to Skip and I, and she will be left all alone.  Both Skip and I get really upset thinking that something could happen to our sweet angel.  That's the most frustrating thing as a parent, the unknown.  I cannot promise Meredith that she will always be safe and happy.  As much as I try and pray for it, I cannot guarantee her safety for the rest of her life.  And that fact breaks my heart.  I can just keep doing whatever I think is best and make sure to hold her a little closer, kiss her more frequently, and enjoy each and every moment we are blessed with her.  


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