I Wish This Could Last Forever

Yesterday was a really good day.  I actually got a decent amount of sleep and the baby was happy and giggly all day.  Thanks to some great advice I received on my last blog (thanks ladies!) I was feeling much better about everything.  Also, it was 60* yesterday!!!!  The warm weather always puts me in a good mood.  It was such a nice break from the below freezing temps we've been suffering through.  And it was wonderful to finally see all those mounds of snow we've been staring at since before Christmas start to melt.  I took the baby on a nice long walk in the afternoon, with a stop off at Grandma and Grandad's house.  I've been able to walk her every day for the past 5 days.  It's been wonderful for both of us.  It's good for her to get some fresh air and the motion of the carriage always lulls her to sleep.  And I love being able to get out of the house with her and get in some exercise (especially since I can't seem to drop these last 5 pounds!).  The sun and gentle winds helped me to feel like myself again, before I was pregnant, and always helps me gain some perspective on anything that has been troubling me.  It was so nice to be out that I immediately agreed to go out again with the husband when he suggested we go to the park in Ridgewood.  There is a mile-marked path Skip likes to run on, so the baby and I came along (at a MUCH slower pace)  We both enjoyed our second 45-minute walk, but by the end my legs were so sore!  I haven't worked out too much recently and I keep forgetting that I'm only 10 1/2 weeks post-partum and not everything is back the way it used to be!  But it felt good.

I was very disappointed though when I woke up this morning.  Yes, it is 52* and much warmer than it should be for this time of year, but with 50-60 mile an hour winds, it's not good weather to take the baby out in.  So we will have to break our 5 day walking streak and only dream of the warm spring days that still seem so far out of reach.  We are using this opportunity to just snuggled up all day on the couch and watch movies though, which can often be just as relaxing and refreshing!


  1. I love chilly days inside; enjoy it! And good for you for being conscious of your health so soon after having a little one; it seems like so many women just throw it all down the tubes with the "I just had a baby so I can be as unhealthy as I want" outlook :)

  2. My mom swam laps everyday right up until I was born. She was very active and taught us the importance of being healthy and active as well. Your lil' girl is so fortunate to have this great healthy start to her life.

    I had a heart to heart with ol' groundhog, and I think spring is on it's way. If not then I will be seeing him again, and nobody wants that:)

  3. I have been asked by, The Polka Dotted Owl to read your blog-and I must say -you are doing extremely well for a new mom! You are handling it all like a trooper, seriously!
    It gets easier-then it gets harder, and then you have another one and it starts all over again. This too shall pass. Live by that line, it will get you through many sleep deprived nights and sick kids. email me, i would love to chat-I have a wealth of knowledge, and know everything hahaha-heck no ive screwed up and I think we are all doing just fine. Enjoy the ride! tammy :) crsanthmum@msn.com and while you're at it, check out my website and blog,so had to give the plug :) Sleep well, Im going to try to right now :)

  4. When was your baby born?? I just had my third little boy on November 21st. It seems like ours are really close in age!! :)

  5. The last 5/10 are always the hardest to lose - I have NOOOO idea why!!! Sounds like you're getting it together though!!!! Good luck to you!


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