
Skip and I had to take Meredith BACK to the doctor again today.  She woke up yesterday with red eyes and discharge coming out of them.  I had a feeling right away it was pink eye.  She was very fussy all day and woke up crying every couple of hours last night.  The doctor confirmed my suspicions today that she does indeed have a cold and pink eye.  This is the first time she has been sick and it just breaks my heart.  Hopefully it will clear up with the medicine in three days and I just can't wait for her to get better.  It's so hard since she is so little and can't tell me what hurts her, and I can't explain to her what's going on.  It is naive of me to think she won't ever get sick again, but I just wish I could keep her safe and happy always.  She really is a trooper though and has been smiling and laughing in between bouts of crying, so hopefully that means she's not too uncomfortable!


  1. Hope she gets better. Nothing is worse than the pink eye, especially for a lil' girl:( I am so loving your blog. It is honest, witty, and heartfelt. I am having so much fun playing catch up with your past post:)

  2. I know I am totally comment stalking you. I just wanted to inform you of my fabulous first ever give away. I did not want you to miss it:) Hope you are feeling better!!


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