They Grow Up So Fast

It seems as if my Meredith has sprouted up overnight! All of a sudden she seems so big to me! She is no longer the tiny, red, wrinkled, squirmy baby I brought home from the hospital. She is so awake and alert now! She loves kicking, smiling, and cooing. I even heard her at 4:00am last night laughing to herself! She seems so long now too (we'll find out at the doctor today exactly how big she has gotten this month) My little girl now sleeps through the night (yay!) and has finally moved into size 1 diapers! A few of her newborn outfits, including our favorite bear sleeper, no longer fit:( She is my big girl and loves to sit up and just take in the world around her. She is still a tiny baby, don't get me wrong, but I just can't get over how much she has changed in the past two weeks! I know every mother that ever came before me has commented on how fast their kids grow up, but it is so true! It is truly an amazing experience getting to watch her grow and change. I can't wait to see what will be different today!


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