
Showing posts from March, 2009

My Four Monther

My little girl is four months old today! I cannot believe how much bigger she has gotten and how much she has changed. (We will find out exactly how much bigger she has gotten at the doctor tomorrow) She is alert and awake all the time now. She can roll over from her stomach to her back and no longer screams during "tummy time". She holds her head up completely by herself and loves nothing more than to stand while you hold her steady. She smiles, giggles, and squirms around all the time. It is such a joy to watch her discover new things about the world every day. I sometimes just revel in just how much I love her and how amazingly stronger that love grows every day!

Tired Mommy

I know I have lots of blogging to catch up on, but I'm just way too tired right now.  Instead I'll just leave you with this for today....95% of the time Meredith was alone with me today she screamed her little head off.  I'm pretty sure she hates me already...awesome.

Wordless Wednesday

I know I'm a day late with this. With a new baby I seem to be late for everything now a days! My sweet baby girl..she did not come quietly into the world! I cannot believe how much bigger she has gotten!

Thankful Thursday

Today I am thankful for: -My two amazing sisters who always seem to know exactly what I need...They are my best friends -My health and the health of my family -A beautiful house with a great backyard that my dogs can play in and I can relax with the baby in -Winter being over and warm spring weather finally sticking around -Long walks around the neighborhood with my little family

Happy Days

Today was a wonderful day to be a mom.  Meredith was feeling MUCH better and was so happy and smiley.  We got to take a long walk and I spent tons of time just watching her look around, move around, and just take in the world around her.  As with everything in life there are good days and bad days and I am so happy that she and I have so many more good ones than bad ones.  I am just so blessed to have her:)

A Whole New Kind of Tired

Some days being a mom is like working at a very labor intensive job for 14 hours straight without getting a single break, and your boss screaming at you the whole time.  Today was one of those days.

Thankful Thursday

It's that time again! This week I am thankful for: - My amazing husband who works all the time so I can stay home with the baby, and yet still likes to make me dinner when he's home:) - My parents who are always there to support and help me in any way they can - Daylight savings...I'm not a fan of losing an hour of sleep, but I LOVE that it is light out until 7:00 pm - My beautiful baby girl...her smiles and laughter brighten every moment of my day - Digital cameras...I wouldn't be able to take the thousands of pictures that I do without one!

Small Things Come With Big Packages

When my husband and I bought our house last spring, it seemed huge!  Coming from a tiny tiny one-bedroom condo (with the only bathroom being in the master bedroom, fun when you had guests over!) our new 3 bedroom 1 and 1/2 bath colonial seemed absolutely enormous....we didn't even have enough furniture to fill all the rooms!  We slowly filled up each though, the master bedroom, the smallest room as a quiet serene nursery for Meredith, and the spare bedroom soon became our office/gym with some extra dressers for storage.  Everything fit perfectly and I finally felt like we had enough storage for all our stuff . However, since Meredith was born our huge place has gotten just a little smaller.  I am not saying that we have outgrown this place by any means, there is MORE than enough room for each of us, but each room has slowly acquired a few baby things.  The kitchen is now frequented by a high chair...the dining room table often holds her bouncy seat and/or her ca...

Teething Time

My husband and I always joke that my daughter is way too ambitious for our family. She was trying to hold her head up the day after she was born, and could hold it up perfectly and all the time by the time she was 6 weeks old. She stands when we hold her upright, she sleeps for twelve hours a night now, and I swear she is trying to talk. These are all great things that we are thrilled about. However, there is one thing that she has started earlier than most babies and that is teething. I read that most babies begin teething between 4 and 6 months, but not Meredith....she is only 3 months and has already begun the process. She is drooling like mad...I changed her bib three times the other day....and she wants her pacifier continuously, something she never cared much for before. It is also making her VERY cranky. All I can do to calm her down is hold her in my arms and walk her around the house. I've got to start wearing my pedometer and track just how far I'm walking.....

Thankful Thursday (a day late again!)

Ok, so I know I'm a day late again with my Thankful Thursday post, but with a 3 month old who I think has begun teething, free time is not something I have a lot of recently.  So I guess I should say that the first thing I am thankful for is a little free time to myself tonight.  Other things I am thankful for this week are: - online shopping....there is no way I would be able to buy anything anymore without it - my husband being home on Monday afternoon to shovel the snow...first time this year I wasn't the one to do it! - the weather being nice today and getting even warmer over the next few days - friends stopping by to visit and catch up...very important when a baby and two dogs are your usual conversationalists