Small Things Come With Big Packages

When my husband and I bought our house last spring, it seemed huge!  Coming from a tiny tiny one-bedroom condo (with the only bathroom being in the master bedroom, fun when you had guests over!) our new 3 bedroom 1 and 1/2 bath colonial seemed absolutely enormous....we didn't even have enough furniture to fill all the rooms!  We slowly filled up each though, the master bedroom, the smallest room as a quiet serene nursery for Meredith, and the spare bedroom soon became our office/gym with some extra dressers for storage.  Everything fit perfectly and I finally felt like we had enough storage for all our stuff.

However, since Meredith was born our huge place has gotten just a little smaller.  I am not saying that we have outgrown this place by any means, there is MORE than enough room for each of us, but each room has slowly acquired a few baby things.  The kitchen is now frequented by a high chair...the dining room table often holds her bouncy seat and/or her car seat....the pack n play has a permanent spot in the living room....the office has now also become a playroom with Meredith's activity mat and entertainment center....our bedroom always has her Boppy and Bumbo sitting around somewhere....and our sun room, where we spend the most time, is constantly strewn with burp cloths, bottles, pacis, and little rattles and teethers.  It still amazes me how such a tiny little person can acquire so many things everywhere.  I can only imagine what it will be like when she is older and we have more children!


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