Weekend Re-Cap Part I

We had such a busy weekend that I'm going to have to split it until two posts as to not get too long winded! Saturday we woke up bright and early to a sunny, cool, crisp November morning. We got the whole family ready and headed up to my Alumni Weekend at the University in Connecticut I attended.

I graduated back in 2005, but haven't been back to the campus since...so I was *very* excited about this weekend! Three of the girls I was really close with were going, so I was really looking forward to seeing them and checking out who else was there.

Once we got up there, parked, registered, and joined up with the girls we were ready to party! A big part of Alumni Weekend is to watch the Homecoming football game...however we only made it up to the actual field once...to buy food! haha. We pretty much spent the entire time tailgating in the parking lot with some of the frat boys we had been friends with. It was so much fun to be there with Skip, showing off my Little M, and reminiscing about the college days. There weren't too many people from our graduating class, but the group that was there was a good one. It felt just like old times and we slipped right back in to how we used to be {you know other than the fact that I have an almost one-year-old now!!}

Little M did *fabulously* the whole day, especially considering she couldn't crawl or walk around much. She only really fussed once, and after Skip took her on a walk around campus she was just fine.

We only went up for the day because it seemed a little ridiculous to relive my clubbing night when I have a baby at home. {and I just get too tired these days!} So we headed back to Jersey a little more tired and just a little happier than when we left! I was too busy having fun to take a lot of pictures, so enjoy the two I did!

Little M having fun with the ladies

Me and my favorite girls!


  1. So glad you had a great time!



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