Teething Time

My husband and I always joke that my daughter is way too ambitious for our family. She was trying to hold her head up the day after she was born, and could hold it up perfectly and all the time by the time she was 6 weeks old. She stands when we hold her upright, she sleeps for twelve hours a night now, and I swear she is trying to talk. These are all great things that we are thrilled about. However, there is one thing that she has started earlier than most babies and that is teething.

I read that most babies begin teething between 4 and 6 months, but not Meredith....she is only 3 months and has already begun the process. She is drooling like mad...I changed her bib three times the other day....and she wants her pacifier continuously, something she never cared much for before. It is also making her VERY cranky. All I can do to calm her down is hold her in my arms and walk her around the house. I've got to start wearing my pedometer and track just how far I'm walking...I swear I walked five miles around my dining room table the other day! She also woke up at 3:00 am the past few nights, which is unusual since the past few weeks she has been sleeping from 7:30 pm till 7:00 am. I believe that her teething is only in the very early stages though, and it will hopefully be some time before she actually cuts her first tooth. I do know though that as soon as that happens I will be done nursing, even if it is before 6 months!

I am trying to be prepared though for these next few trying months. I ran right out to the store and picked up some Orajel to have on hand, and a variety of teething toys. I've been scouring the internet for different advice from other mothers. I'm also just trying to enjoy days like today, she didn't seem to be in pain at all. If anyone else has any advice though, please let me know, as I know that teething can be one of the more trying times in a new mom's life!


  1. We used a mesh feeder and put ice in it, he loved that! (and when she gets a bit older you can freeze fruit and put it in) James was acting the same way around that age but his first tooth did not break through until 8 months. So confusing!


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