Rolling Over and Mommy TIme!

This has been such a big week for my little Meredith. It all started about a week and a half ago. My husband was home sick with bronchitis (yeah totally awesome...try having to take care of him and the baby, and the two dogs and the house, all while keeping him as far away from me and the baby as possible so we wouldn't get sick as well!) The only thing that worked out was that he was home to see Meredith roll over for the first time! I was worried she wouldn't do this for some time, because she has always HATED "tummy time". However since she is getting a little bigger I thought I'd give it another shot. She was able to push herself up at a 90* angle and happily laid there for quite some time. And then she just rolled right over from her belly to her back! It was very exciting and I was so happy Skip was home to see it. Of course we also made her do it again so we could get it on video:) That was big milestone #1.

The second exciting event was taking Meredith up to the school where I used to teach. It was so much fun to introduce her to the teachers and all my old students. She was a huge hit and loved looking at all the new faces! It was also the longest trip I have taken her on by myself! I wasn't too worried about the 25 minute drive up the highway though, after our latest purchase. I finally bought one of those mirrors to put on the seat behind her so I can see her in my review mirror, or with a quick glance in the back. It has made me feel so much better because now I can see her and check to make sure she's ok!

Another Mommy/Meredith first this week was taking her to church by myself. Normally I go with either my husband or my mom, but this week Skip was working and my mom was down the shore, so we were on our own! Thankfully our church has a "crying room" which makes the whole process a lot less stressful. The crying room is an enclosed room above the rest of the church. It is sound proof so the baby can cry as much as possible and no one else will be disturbed (hence the name) It is also outfitted with giant windows and speakers, so we still feel like we're part of the celebration. Only one other person was up there with us so it was very quiet and peaceful. And Meredith slept through the entire thing which was another big help!

It is getting very late though, so I will end this blog now and continue tomorrow with Meredith's other new milestones!


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