Some Days You Gotta Let Go

Today was a wonderful day...I didn't think it would be too great because Skip took on an extra shift at work.  This meant he was working from 7 am till 11 pm....yes that's 16 hours straight!  That also meant that I was going to be alone with the baby the entire day.  I have done this plenty of times before, but those days are always the toughest, and always the ones where she is the crankiest!  I decided to try and stay positive though.

Little M started our day by waking up at 6 am.  This is not that early, but it is an hour earlier than her normal wake-up time.  I fed her and thought that maybe since it was still dark outside I would trick her into thinking it was the middle of the night and she would go back to bed...shockingly it worked!  I went back to bed when she went down and woke up to her cries at 8:30!  Pretty nice little nap.  Once we got up I  changed her and fed her again.  Then I popped her into her exersaucer and got myself ready.  Since she is better able to grab onto things, she now loves playing in this little seat, grabbing at all her toys around her.  This enabled me to not only wash my face and throw on some clothes, but also put on some make-up and straighten my hair! (complete luxuries when you have a baby let me tell you)  

Once we were all ready we came downstairs and I had to feed Little M her solids.  She gets rice cereal and today she got to try peaches!  She has already tried bananas and applesauce and I'm happy to announce she LOVED the peaches and can add them to her new foods.  Now we just have to stick with them a few more days to make sure she's not allergic to them.  After breakfast we watched the fourth hour of the Today show with Kathie Lee and Hoda (my new guilty pleasure!)  and played with the puppies.  

A little before 12 Little M fell asleep and I put her up in her crib for a nap.  Instead of rushing around trying to wash some dishes or work through the five loads of laundry waiting for me in the basement, I decided to treat myself and have some lunch.  This may not seem like any sort of treat, and I didn't eat anything fancy, but normally I eat lunch standing up, with a baby in one hand, fending off the dogs with the other.  But today I actually sat down at the dining room table and ate my lunch WHILE READING A BOOK!!!  This is also a luxury for me.  I never have any free time to read anymore (as evidenced by the huge stack of magazines just waiting to be read)  But Skip picked up the Jon and Kate Plus 8 book at the library for me yesterday and I thought I should at least attempt to try and read it.  It was so nice to just relax and enjoy my meal!

Little M work up just as I was finishing up and it was time for her to eat again.  After I fed her and played just for a little while, she fell asleep on my shoulder for 2 1/2 hours!  I contemplated putting her down and again attempting to tackle the mounds of laundry, but she has just been growing so much recently, and I know she will only be tiny for a little bit longer.  So I instead just relaxed in our black rocking lounger chair and held her, while reading my book.  I was even able to finish it!  It was just such a lovely way to spend the afternoon with my little girl.

Once she woke up we spent the rest of the day playing and just hanging out together.  She went down to sleep a little before 7:30 and has been out ever since! (she used to always sleep though the night but has been waking up a bit in the early nighttime recently)  I was going to try and fit in a workout (but who are we kidding, haha) and have been spending the night blogging, watching The Biggest Loser, and waiting to see the husband for a few minutes before bed.  Yes there are a pile of dishes in my sink, the dishwasher needs to be emptied, those mounds of dirty clothes are STILL in the basement, and I really should vacuum upstairs, but none of that matters.  What matters is that I was lucky enough to have a wonderful day with my daughter and enjoy her sweet smelling warm body on my shoulder.  I will miss these days when she is bigger!


  1. You are a SMART Mama! I had it all wrong when my babies were babies. Things had to be in order and I didn't know anything about treating myself. ages 11 and 13, I FINALLY learned to let some things go (LOL). This post should be somewhere on a billboard!


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