Warmth+Sunshine+Family=Best Days

I could probably talk for days about how much I LOVE this weather.  I am definitely not a cold-weather girl.  I hate the cold, (as I am ALWAYS cold) having to bundle up in sweaters and thick boots, and I absolutely LOATHE snow and all the hassle that comes with it.  Don't get me wrong, I do enjoy a sparkling white Christmas, but after January 1st I firmly believe the weather should turn sharply to at least 60*.  I am never happier than when my channel 12 weather man tells me it is going to be in the 70's...even better the 80's.  There is nothing I love more than spending the whole summer outside, wearing shorts, a tank top, and a golden tan (yes, I am fully aware of the dangers of the sun and getting a dark tan, and I'm sure I will get skin cancer one day, but the lure of the sun is too strong for me)  So yesterday morning I awoke with a huge smile on my face knowing that it was going to be just GORGEOUS the next few days.  And the husband was off of work Friday and Saturday, which made it just perfect!  

Friday was spent as a family just having a simple, fun day.  We took Little M and Mr. B (the bulldog) to the dog park.  M LOVES watching all the puppies running around together and it's great exercise for Mr. B.  We then walked around the park just enjoying being outside.  When we got home, the husband remembered that had had his old badminton set in the basement and went to set it up.  We put Little M in her little entertainment center under the shade of the umbrella to watch her mommy and daddy play.  I don't think I've played since I was about 10, but I held my own.  My husband was annoyed that I told all of my friends and family I beat him, when it was really a tie, and has promised a re-match we will invite every to witness. (so now I will need to secretly practice while he is at work!)  Then after dinner we took a long family walk to drink in as much of the fresh air as possible.  Then it was an early bedtime for all to rest up for today!

Today was one of my favorite days all year...Draft Day!  While I am OBSESSED with football (specifically the Giants) I don't actually follow the actual draft.  I don't really care for college football, so I never know who the draftees are.  However, I love today because every year the Giants hold a Draft Day party down at the stadium.  There are players, current and alumni, signing autographs, you can go on the field, in the locker room, up in the press box, and can even have a fake picture taken of yourself as the #1 draft pick!  It is just an awesome day!  This was my fifth year going and was very excited to have Little M share in the day with us!

Bringing a baby to such an event in 80*, almost 90* weather did pose some problems.  I wanted her to stay as cool as possible, but since she is still too young for sun screen, she also needed to be covered up from the sun (I may be a sun-goddess but I'm definitely not passing that on to my daughter!)  Layers was what was decided upon and we went onto the field to get autographs first since that would be the most direct sunlight we would be getting.  M was very good the whole hour wait, only getting fussy right towards the end.  But then she turned on the charm when we got up to the table.  George Martin, Howard Cross, and one other alumni (whose name I have already forgotten and cannot decipher on my autograph sheet) all LOVED her.  I was a very proud momma as they each ooohed and aaaahed over her, reaching out to hold her tiny hand.  It was adorable!  After that we went to get some food in the shade of the practice bubble, and M got her first taste of cold water in her bottle.  After that we went through the locker room.  It is always fun to see what personal belongings and pictures the players leave in their lockers.  After that the husband, M, and I took our mock-draft pic, pretending Little M had been the Giant's #1 pick!  It was getting on in the day and we had seen all we needed to, so we packed up then and headed home.  

It has just been a perfect few days of warmth and some great quality family time.  I am sad that the husband has to go back to work tomorrow but happy that this GORGEOUS weather will continue a few days longer!  Now I just have to figure out how to get a little color while keeping M cook and in the shade!

ps.  I will post some pics of the past few days tomorrow!


  1. We have a lot in common! I love football. I don't care for college football except OU (my husband's team). I LOVE warm days and if the wind is blowing, I'm COLD (lol).

  2. Knock, knock! Just dropping by to say hello. Hello! Hope your week is going okay.


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