Baby Gear - Bathroom

As a new mom, it is very difficult to navigate through all of the "stuff" that babies seem to need nowadays.  Without experience, it's hard to figure out what is really necessary, what will actually work, and how much of something you really need.  I am going to dedicate these next few blogs to what I personally have learned about baby "stuff" so far.

Bath Time Needs
bathtub - Invest in an infant-to-toddler one with an attached sling.  It holds the baby comfortably and makes bath time a lot less nerve wracking.

Washcloths - The baby ones are softer and easier to use; one package of four or five is plenty.

Shampoo - Buy a body wash/shampoo combo.  There are tons of great brands out there, but I have found Johnson & Johnson to be the best, and it is not expensive

Towels - I like the ones with the hood.  They help keep the baby's little head warm and they look so cute!  The number you need depends on how often you want to do laundry.

Disposable Washcloths - I received these at my shower and I love them!  Huggies makes some and they are a lifesaver in the early days when you can only give the baby a sponge bath.  They are also great to throw in your diaper bag or bring on a trip.  Clean more thoroughly than just a wipe.

Lotion - There are tons of fabulous brands of these out there, but I again prefer the Johnson & Johnson variety.  Just make sure whatever you choose it is gentle and specifically designed for babies.

Powder and Oil -  Have never used them.  Don't waste your money.

Comb and Brush - Any baby-specific one will do.  I have a comb but haven't used  it at all yet.  I will probably get more use out of it once Little M is older and has more hair.  The ultra soft brush is perfect for now.

Grooming Kit - Only other grooming you will need to do besides brushing the baby's hair is nail care.  I was VERY nervous about cutting Little M's nails when she was very young, so I just used a regular nail file.  Now I am more comfortable with it and cut her nails.  Any baby clippers will do.

Toys - Babies are too little to play with bath toys until they are closer to a year old.  Don't spend money on them until baby can actually use them.  Same goes for those mesh toy holders.

Kneelers - There are several different kinds of kneelers that attach onto the tub to make it easier for mom to bath baby.  I have not found a need for one, but it might be a nice luxury.

Faucet Cover - I have not yet purchased one, as Little M is still in her infant tub.  I will probably buy an inexpensive one when she moves to sitting in the tub.

Bathrobe - I was given and ADORABLE Winnie the Pooh one for my shower.  Little M looks ridiculously cute in it, but it is not a necessity.  It will probably be handier when she is older and attempting to run around naked after I towel her off!

*Please keep in mind that I want to get the best for my little girl, but price is a major consideration.  That will fuel a lot of my personal decisions*

More to come later!!


  1. My goodness! That's A LOT of STUFF (lol). I guess I used it also waaaay back then.

  2. Here's my problem with the tub spout cover. I bought one, a little frog one we have since named Beaufort Boregard. He doesn't stay on the spout. He has become a toy. I put it on, they would take it off. All in all we have yet to have a head cracking incident so I've just given up and they can play with it.

    Also I use the Target brand instead of the J and J. They have the same products, the same scents, for a fraction of the price. And they all work on my VERY sensitive son's skin.

    Ohhh and another good thing, for wicked nasty diaper rash, Triple Paste works wonders.

  3. I remember being nervous about the nail clippers too in the beginning, but I bought one with a guard.


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