Baby Gear - Feeding

From now on, all of the blogs about baby items are going to be based off the registry on  I just don't seem to have the brain power to come up with all these lists by myself.  Obviously all of the opinions about each item will be my own.  

Bibs - buy lots and lots of these....I didn't use them for the first three months and thought it was a waste, but as soon as Little M started teething she had one on constantly...sometimes I would need to change them three times a day!  They are also great now that she is bottle fed.  Buy several plastic ones for when they start solids.  They can easily be wiped off or washed in the sink.

Burp cloths - I used these all the time when I was breast feeding.  Now that Little M is on the bottle we mainly use bibs.  They are also good for wiping up messes and when she spits up.  My mom says that once all my future babies have grown up they make for great dusting rags.  I love the Gerber ones the best as they are the softest.

Bottles and Nipples - This is a matter of preference, yours and your baby's.  I got both the Avent and Platex Drop-Ins.  Little M liked the Avent in the beginning, but will now only drink from the Platex Drop-Ins.  They may not be the most eco-friendly, and do cost more because you have to buy the drop-ins, but they really help with gassiness.  Clean-up is also much easier since I only have to wash the nipples.  Also, buy several nipples in the different flows.  I was amazed at how quickly she moved up to each level.  She is not quite six months and has been using the fastest flow for a month now.

Insulated Bottle Tote - I never gave much thought to these before, but I received one for my shower and I love it!  It not only ensures the bottle will stay at a comfortable temperature (great for these upcoming hot months) but it also keeps the bottle from spilling into the diaper bag.  I plan on buying a few more for when I need to bring several bottles with me.

Bottle Brush - I have two of these and really do find they are the best for cleaning the bottles.  Any brand will do.

Bottle Sterilizer - I got one of these and really only used it twice.  I boiled all of the bottles and nipples in a pot on the stove when I first bought them (the directions to do so was on the packaging).  Now I just wash them with soap and hot water in the sink and feel that the extra sterilizing is just an extra step I don't really need.

Bottle Warmer - I never got one of these and never seemed to need one.  When I was feeding M expressed breast milk that had been stored in the fridge I heated them up in a pot of boiling water.  It worked fine for me and was never a problem.  Now that she is on formula, we simply make the bottles with room-temperature purified water mixed with the powdered formula.  I had read that if you start the baby off this way they won't get used to the taste of heated formula milk.

Bottle Drying Rack - Never bought one.  I just leave the bottles and nipples to dry on a towel on the counter next to the sink.

Dishwasher Caddy - Never bought one of these either.  I just wash the bottles and nipples in the sink because we really only run the dishwasher every two or three days, so it wasn't practical for me.

Breast Pump and Accessories - This is really a matter of need and preference.  I breast fed exclusively for the first five months and registered for one because I knew I would want to express milk so my husband would be able to giver her bottles.  It would also make it easier for me to feed her if we had guests over. (I personally was not comfortable breast feeding in front of anyone other than my husband)  Because I am a stay-at-home mom and knew I would only be expressing maybe one bottle a day, I registered for a single manual pump.  I got the Avent package that came with the pump and several large and small bottles that fit right onto the pump.  This was great for me and my situation.  If I had gone back to work or needed to pump more often, I would have gotten an electric one.  Keep in mind they are more expensive than the manual ones.

Breastmilk Storage Container - As I said, the Avent pump I had came with bottles that fit right onto the pump.  They had screw-on tops for the bottles so I could put them right into the fridge, and then just change to a screw-on nipple when it was time to feed her.  I never needed to freeze milk so I didn't need too many, or to use the breast storage bags.  Again, this will depend on your level of necessity.

Nursing Pillow - Definitely buy the Boppy pillow!!!  I absolutely love mine and use it all the time.  It makes everything much more comfortable.  I only wish I had brought it with me to the hospital to make the first few tries much easier.  I still use it sometimes when I am feeding M a bottle.  I also place her on her stomach on it for "tummy time" and now it helps her sit up straight, as she still doesn't have great balance when sitting.

Nursing Wrap / Cover - As I said, I was never comfortable breast feeding in front of other people, so I never got one.  I would have though if I would have been feeding her in public or in front of friends or family.  A blanket can also serve the same purpose, though some say it is not as easy as using a wrap.

Nursing Bra - I only bought one and that seemed enough for me.  I wear alot of tank tops, either alone or under clothes, and they were easy enough to pull down.  Sports bras also offered me enough support and again were very easy to pull up or down.  

Breast Pads - These were invaluable the entire time I was breast feeding.  I wore them all the time, even when sleeping.  I used disposable ones, but never tried the reusable ones.  I used a few different brands and while some were a little better than others, all did the job.  It is a matter of trial-and-error.

Nursing Stool - I never had one and personally didn't miss it.  I  breast fed Little M most of the time in bed sitting up with my legs stretched out, or just sitting on the couch.

Splat Mat - I honestly have no idea what this is even!

Infant Feeding Spoons - I waited to buy these until Little M was ready to start solids at four months.  I have the rubber-tipped ones that turn white if the food is too hot.  Although I just just feed Little M her food at room temperature and don't heat it up.  Again, I read that if you start your child off eating this way they don't get used to the warmed food.  She also eats it cold.  It is a nice feature to have though once she is eating regular food and I want to easily test if it is too hot.  I have four spoons and that seems enough.

Infant Feeding Bowls and Plates - I like the ones that are specifically designed for infants because of the separated compartments.  It makes it easier to mix together the cereal with formula and keep it separate from the strained fruits and vegetables.  Though Little M does like them mixed together on the spoon!  They are also made of plastic so I am not worried about them breaking if she gets a hold of them and drops them on the floor.  They are easily washed in both the sink and the dishwasher, though the packaging says to only wash them in the top rack of the dishwasher.  I have five dishes and this has been a good amount.

Sippy Cups - So far I only have one sippy cup that I received for free in the mail.  Little M is not yet old enough to start using them, but I will buy several more when she is.  I have not really decided which ones to get yet, though they all seem comparable and will probably go with the ones that are most economical.


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