Half Birthday
Happy half birthday Meredith!!! Today my little girl is 6 months old. I cannot believe just how big she has gotten in such a short time. In some ways I feel that it was only yesterday that I brought home her tiny little body...and other times I feel like she has been part of our life forever. I can barely remember my life before her. In some ways being a mom is easier than I thought, and some ways tougher. There are more sacrifices and adjustments that we have to make, but every single one is worth it when I look into her smiling, laughing face. I love that the person she wants most in the world is me. The best moments are when my husband and I are holding her together and she reaches up with her little hands, putting each one on Skip's and my faces. She is absolutely perfect and we are blessed with each and every day we have with her. I can't wait to see what the next six months and beyond bring to our little family!!
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