Separation Anxiety and Mommy Groups

So it seems as though my little girl is going through some separation anxiety.  Going back to work those two days was definitely not a good idea for her.  Since Friday night, she wakes up several times after we put her to bed.  As soon as my husband or I go in and pick her up, she falls right back to sleep.  It is only when we try and put her back in the crib that she cries.  We have to slooooooowly put her back in and tip toe our of the room.  This happens at least 4 times between 7:30 and about midnight when we go to bed.  She has also been getting up between 5:00 and 5:30...much earlier than her normal 7:00.  I'm assuming that this is separation anxiety since it started the night after I subbed at school, and nothing seems to be wrong with her, other than freaking out that Skip and I aren't with her when she wakes herself up.  I'm hoping that she will start to settle down soon.  Skip and I have decided that I definitely won't sub at all for the rest of the school year (which is only a few weeks any way)  and we'll revisit it again in the fall.  By then she will be older and much better adjusted.  This definitely proves to me the importance of keeping babies on a schedule...and the hell it can be when you interrupt that schedule. 

On a brighter note, I have recently been in search of some Mommy groups to join.  My friends have been so great, listening to me and trying to offer advice.  But I still want to find a group of women with babies Little M's age who I can talk to.  It would also be nice to find some women around my age, as it seems most women in my generation are waiting to have babies until they are older.  After a lot of searching I have found not one, but TWO Mommy groups to join.  I am going to be meeting up with one of the them at some activities next week, and I can't wait.  I am nervous because I am not really good at meeting new people.  But this is something I really want, so I just have to suck it up and do it!  I will definitely let everyone know how I make out with it!


  1. I think being separated from my baby was harder on me than baby (lol). It definitely takes some getting use to for mom and baby!

  2. A Mommy Group is a great idea. I am in a mom's group with kids of different ages, so it helps to get advice from seasoned moms and share milestones with those who have kids at ages close to my son. You should be fine. It is amazing how you can make new friends with the bond of children.

    Good luck with your groups! By the way, I found you from MomsWeb.


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