Friday Night In

I was pretty pleased with myself last night. Since the baby, my house cleaning has obviously fallen by the wayside and is no where near the standard it used to be. Laundry seems to be the worst. I always get it done, but it seems that I really only have time to get one load done a day. Which pretty much means that I have to do laundry *every* day, since I never seem to be able to get on top of it. And big organization projects I want to get done around the house? Forget it!

That is until last night. Skip had two of his guy friends over to hang out, so I decided to take advantage of the opportunity to get some stuff done (and to let them have some boy time!) I figured I'd start some laundry in the basement and see where I went from there.

While I was down there, I couldn't help but notice the absolute disaster that is our basement. It is unfinished, and with the very low ceilings, we will only ever be able to use it as storage. Because of this, anytime we ever need to put something down there, we pretty much just plop it wherever there is free space and walk away. As I'm sure you can tell this has turned into a giant mess. Skip and I always talk about how we want to organize things down there (especially because of the slight water problem we've been having down there recently) but we never seem to have the time...until last night. I decided that while Skip was hanging out with the boys I would just dive right in and see how far I got.

Well after three hours of moving, cleaning, separating, and organizing I was done! I have two sets of shelves that hold all of our bulk items, extra food and sodas. All of the stuff from our childhood we would like to save has been condensed as much as possible and stored all together in one corner. My painting supplies and Skip's fishing gear are put off to ths side, but still easily accessible. There is now a huge open space in the basement, and nothing is stored anywhere near the area we've been getting water. I cannot tell you how accomplished I feel!

Oh, and while that was going on I continually worked on some laundry...and I finished it all! And by all, I mean *all*. There isn't anything left in my house to wash! I did all of my and Skip's clothes, all of Little M's clothes, all the bath towels, both entire sets of sheets, all four pillows, our mattress pad, and even the comforter! And I even had time to fold it all and put it away!

It's sad that that's the way I want to spend my Friday nights now-a-days, but I guess that's all part of growing up!


  1. High five! That is pretty awesome that you were able to accomplish all of that.

  2. Also, you have an award/tag on my blog. Check it out. =)

  3. Nice! I love the feeling of getting stuff done. I wish I could motivate myself to actually do the laundry every day. I always end up too tired and then at the end of the week I have loads and loads to do.

  4. Cyber high five to you, girl! You finished ALL your laundry? WOW!


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