Late Night Partying

When I was pregnant, I was fully aware that I would be a walking zombie the first few months of my child's life. I knew that newborns constantly wake up to be fed, changed, burped, or just rocked. I knew I would pray for the day that she finally slept through the night.

Well here's something a lot of moms don't talk about....It's not just the first few months that can be sleepless, but many months after. My daughter actually slept pretty well from the beginning. And I'd say months 2-4 were absolutely glorious. She slept almost 12 hours a night, every night!! I certainly relished these days and did not take a single one for granted. Since then though we go through patches where Little M will sometimes sleep well and sometimes not. Tonight is one of the "not" nights. It is currently 1:42 am and she has been up for over an hour (this is after waking up two other times since we put her down at 7:30 pm) She has had a bottle, burped, been changed, rocked, sang to, and we even let her cry it out for a few minutes (longer than that and she just works herself up into a total state and is impossible to calm down). Of course I *really* need her to sleep tonight since we are going to see the in-laws in PA tomorrow and wanted to be on the road by 9:00.

I am completely at my wits end and have no idea how I'm going to get her to sleep, considering she is perfectly happy lying next to me right now, playing with her pacifier and cooing. Awesome. Will let you know tomorrow what time she actually lets me go to bed. Hopefully I will get *some* sleep tonight!


  1. I would recommend maybe reading a sleep book or two. There is a sleep recession that happens at around the 7-8 month mark. At this point its probably ok to just put her in her crib and let her put herself to sleep if she won't fall asleep for you. Sometimes we have to let our little guy just play himself to sleep in the dark. I felt bad the first night or two, but it works and we all get some sleep in the end. Good luck!


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