MORE Rain + Sick = A Still Cranky Mommy

It's still raining here...seriously, I'm not joking. We've had at least a little bit of rain everyday for at least 2 - 2 1/2 weeks now. It's really getting depressing. I mean if I lived in Seattle I would understand, but here on the East Coast we're used to know 80* and sun! I think I'll just start building my ark now...or at least a small row boat to get through the pond that has now sprung up in our back yard...or the small stream we now have in the basement. Awesome. Anyways, I promise this whole post will not be about the rain because I do not want to depress you with our crappy weather!

We have had a very busy few days around here. Sunday was Little M's baptism. She looked just like an angel!

And she acted just like an angel too...she slept through the entire ceremony! I could not believe it. Apparently, as long as her Mommy is holding her, she really doesn't mind if strangers pour water on her or rub oil on her head. Who knew?
With all the planning and cleaning and running around I was doing in the days before the baptism, I guess I forgot to take care of myself and rest. As soon as I woke up on Monday I knew I was sick. This was the first time I have been sick since Little M was born and it was not a pleasant experience. Monday wasn't too bad, but Tuesday was just awful. Of course as luck would have it, Skip had to work a 16 hour shift that day, so he was gone from 6 am until 11:30 pm. This left me to take care of the baby, two puppies, and myself. REALLY not a good day, let me tell you. But God love him, Skip decided to take Wednesday off of work to stay home and take care of me and Little M. It was such a HUGE help. He let me sleep until 10:30 and woke me with some medicine and a strawberry Fribble (my favorite!). He then was "Mr. Mom" all day and let me just sleep and rest. I'm not 100% today but soooo much better then I would have been if he hadn't taken off yesterday.
Anyways, that's really it right now...I know, nothing too exciting going on. I'm just hoping to get better and praying the rain stops! Skip's first Father's Day is this weekend and I have some fun little tricks up my sleeve. I hope he likes them!


  1. It's been raining here so much lately too. I lost count of how many days in a row. Today was sunny but SO humid we couldn't even get outside. Doesn't the weather know it's June?!

  2. You have a beautiful family, Mandy. I tried finding an email link to you, but cannot find one. I just wanted to stop by and say, "Thank you so very much for becoming a follower of Moms Fighting Fat."

    BTW, I'll send you some NW Florida sunshine in exchange for the rain you guys have that won't go away! We haven't seen a drop in weeks.

    Hugs ~ Sandy

  3. Thanks so much for the messages! Sandy, I would LOVE to send some rain your way...maybe I'll just ship down the GALLONS we have pooled as a pond in our backyard. We actually had ducks swimming in it the other day!


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