Rain, Rain, Go Away....

Dear Rain,
Please stop.  I mean really.  It's been rainy ALL WEEK.  And it's June!  If it were April I would understand but that was MONTHS ago.  I really need some color on my pale skin.  And Little M could use a nice long walk in the sunshine.  And you have officially ruined the outside stair railings of my house.  Yes, I know I'm the one who attempted to paint them while it was raining, but still.  Please just go somewhere else...preferably soon.  Thanks
A very cranky Mommy


  1. We've had our share of rain just like you've expressed here. It was a few weeks ago and it seemed like it would never stop. I personally like the rain, but enjoy the sunshine a WHOLE lot better. It's been burning hot lateley, but I REFUSE to complain because you may send the rain our way again!

  2. Hi Mandy,

    Thank you for the advice on how to handle shift work. I really appreciate it. Good luck getting that rain to leave you guys alone!

    -Young Mom/Wife

  3. I felt JUST this way a couple days ago!!! Bad storms here, torrential downpours...blah! But now we're sitting in a sauna of 90+ with humidity putting it over 100. I LOVE IT. I'm weird...I know. I'm blog hopping and came over from.....Mom's Peace Bites...I think? Anyhow, happy Wednesday!

  4. Hi, just dropping by to say hello:) I'm from Jersey and now reside in Georgia and OMG it rains all the time here! I thought Noah was coming through our basement it flooded so bad this year!!! However, I welcomed it since we were in a crazy drought last year and the lakes dried up and water was just about non existent!!! I accept it now and wait for the sun to shine:) Of course now it's like 150 degrees outside and I wouldn't mine a shower:)


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