So sorry I have been MIA from the blogging world for the past few days. My grandma is in the hospital (the only grandparent I have left). She apparently has had a series of small strokes. They have admitted her for a few days to run some more tests and keep and eye on her. We are hoping that they don't find anything else wrong with her, though it will be good for her to be under the care of doctors for a few days. It will also be good to give my mom a few days to figure out what will happen when she gets released, as she still lives alone. We'll just have to see. Little M and I are hoping to visit her in the hospital today to cheer her up a bit. Please keep her and my family in your prayers, and I will blog more later about what's been going on with Little M recently!


  1. Sorry to hear. I'll have your family in my prayers this week!


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