Stay-at-Home Mom

I took Little M up to the school today where I used to teach. I hadn't brought her up there in two months and everyone was amazed at how much she has changed! It was really nice to be there and visit with all my old colleagues and students, but it was tough as well. I was amazed at how different and more mature all "my kids" have gotten. I taught most of them for two years in a row and it's hard to no longer be a part of their lives. They love when I come visit, but I don't really have an clue what's going on in their day to day lives.

I have never regretted my decision to stay home with Little M, but it was definitely not an easy one. My husband and I have had to make a huge financial sacrifice in order for me to stay home. He also has had to take any over-time that comes up....something that is very draining for the both of us. I also do miss a lot of aspects of working outside the house and teaching specifically. I miss having adult conversations and feeling like I'm making a difference. I miss seeing the expression on a kid's face when he finally "gets it". I miss the division of my day between work and home life. And I definitely miss that paycheck!!!

Like I said though, I definitely do not regret my decision at all. Nothing compares to getting to spend hours and hours with Little M's smiling face. In the past few weeks she has started to grow, both physically and developmentally, by leaps and bounds. I love just watching her discover new things. I am so happy that I am the one who gets to see her all day and not a stranger. I also love that I can spend the day in my pajamas if I want to and hardly ever having somewhere I "have" to be that day. Since Skip's work schedule is all over the place, I would hardly ever get to see him if I was teaching all day. I love getting to run errands in the middle of the week when stores are not crowded. And while I definitely do miss the extra money I used to pull in, I would barely get to see any of that if Little M was in daycare. I worked in a Catholic elementary school (DEFINITELY not known for its salary) and my pay would be just about enough to cover the exorbitant cost of daycare facilities in this area. And lastly, but most importantly, I want nothing more than to be able to hold my little girl anytime I want.

Staying home full-time once you have a baby is not the right choice for everyone and every situation. But I am very lucky I have that option, and so happy with my decision:)


  1. Staying at home does call for MANY sacrifices and it's the most underpaid, unappreciated, unrecognized postiion, but I still believe MOTHERS are God's hands on Earth. We hardly recognize our Creator for who He is and what He does, so I try to remember daily that I have to encourage myself and that I AM making a difference. It's a hard job and no one really likes taking the hard positions (lol).



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