Thank You!

I just wanted to say a very huge THANK YOU! to all my blogging buddies out there.  All of your comments really helped me.  I am not as stressed or worried now, knowing that this is all normal.  In answer to some of your questions, no I don't think it's late onset colic or that she's gassy, because as soon as I pick her up from her crib she is perfectly happy and smiley.  We haven't had any big changes around here recently so I don't think that's throwing her off.  She is teething though and learning to sit up by herself and creep backwards.  Based on your answers and what I have read, that can be throwing her off her schedule.  I think it might also be a touch of separation anxiety as well, since as I said she is fine once I go in there and she sees me.  Tonight was much better.  It only took her about 15 minutes to go down and it's already 11:30 and I haven't heard a peep out of her.  Maybe she read my blog this morning and decided to give me a break tonight.  Let's hope she sleeps through the night!  Thank you again for all of your help and support, it really made me feel better!


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