100th Post!

Okay, I had originally planned to write 100 things about myself for this post, but since no one asked any questions{ :( } it just seems to daunting to think of that many things about myself to tell you. So instead I've decided to write a list of 100 things I would like to accomplish. I first got the idea from Vanessa over at Journey to James 1:27. She has compiled a list of 101 things she wants to do in 1001 days. I'm not going to be that specific. These are just 100 things I would like to get done in the next five years. I will keep this post on the side of my page and check off each one as I accomplishment so you can check up on my progress!

PS....finished things will be changed to red
Things in progress will be in orange

  1. Work out at least 3x per week for three months straight
  2. Take Little M on the train at Van Saun Park
  3. Visit the Outer Banks
  4. Finally send in my paper work for my NJ teaching license
  5. Establish a once-a-month date night out with my husband
  6. Finally buy new furniture to fit in our sun room 
  7. Buy a tall-back wicker rocking chair for Little M's bedroom
  8. Take Little M on a carousel ride
  9. Paint all the ceilings in our house
  10. Have another baby
  11. Road trip to Florida with my family
  12. Install a ceiling fan in our room and Little M's room
  13. Install a screen door on our back door
  14. Walk our bulldog most days of the week
  15. Look into some sort of work I could do from home
  16. Find more time to read
  17. Do a giveaway on my blog!
  18. Go to another Army football game
  19. Start going to bed earlier
  20. Use our elliptical machine regularly
  21. Enroll Little M in preschool {remember this is a 5 year plan!}
  22. Bring Little M to story time at the local library
  23. Put in new kitchen countertops
  24. Have my entire family over for a bar-b-q
  25. Insulate our basement
  26. Post an entry every day on my blog for 3 months
  27. Get together with my college girls at least twice a year
  28. Actually go to one of my college Alumni weekends
  29. Get together with my 'Marine's Girls' at least twice a year
  30. Bring back my annual Christmas party now that Little M is more that 3 weeks old!
  31. Regularly donate cloths that no longer fit / never really looked good on me
  32. Only buy clothes I really love
  33. Surprise family members by dropping off a home-cooked meal for dinner
  34. Finish the book I started writing years ago
  35. Get 100 followers on my blog
  36. Back up all my pictures/videos/documents on my computer
  37. Print out blog posts and put them in a binder
  38. Finish book I've been working on writing for Little M
  39. Take an Internet break for a week
  40. Take a TV break for the weekend
  41. Go back to San Diego
  42. Get a professional picture taken of my family
  43. Write handwritten notes to friends and family to let them know how much they mean to me
  44. Read Walden Pond
  45. Continue making baby blankets for everyone I know who has a baby
  46. Buy and install new cabinet hardware 
  47. Try out a new recipe every month
  48. Order Little M's hospital pictures
  49. Finish Little M's baby book
  50. Play with Little M in her baby pool
  51. Go in the ocean with Little M<---She did *not* like this. We are postponing trying again until she is older...and there aren't so many jelly fish
  52. Read the entire Bible
  53. Get some definition back into my stomach
  54. Make sure to wash my face every night before bed
  55. Do something just for myself once a month
  56. Eat more fruits and vegetables
  57. Start eating in our dining room instead of the family room
  58. Organize the garage
  59. Sign Little M up for swimming lessons {extensive aquatic training as my husband calls it}
  60. Not be the *worst* team in our entire Fantasy Football League
  61. Make it to the playoffs in our Fantasy Football League
  62. Go to one more game at the old Giant's Stadium
  63. Go to a game at the new Giant's Stadium
  64. Go to the Superbowl 
  65. Go with my husband and Little M to see Paris Island where he became a Marine
  66. Do something nice for a wife whose husband is deployed
  67. Go away for the weekend with my sisters
  68. Write up an official will
  69. Pick out a theme and start planning Little M's first birthday
  70. Make an appointment to go see a dermatologist to make sure none of my sun spots are cancerous
  71. Transfer all the videos I have of Little M to DVDs
  72. Become more active in a Mommy Group
  73. Host a Mommy playgroup meet up at my house
  74. Have all my Christmas cards ready to send out by Thanksgiving
  75. Have all my Christmas shopping done by the beginning of December
  76. Watch my wedding video every year on our anniversary
  77. Watch my husband's "Welcome Home from Iraq" video every year on the anniversary he returned home to me
  78. Attend mass more regularly
  79. Have 'board game nights' with my husband and our friends
  80. Shine up our hardwood floors once a month
  81. Figure out someway to clean up/repaint the grout on our kitchen floor
  82. Repaint all the trim work in our house
  83. Install crown mouldings in all the rooms of our house
  84. Become the Chief Financial Officer for our fantasy football team
  85. Send regular emails/pictures of Little M to people I don't see often
  86. Organize all of my recipes into a nice binder
  87. Establish a new tradition we do as a family at each holiday
  88. Stop procrastinating big things that need to get done
  89. Establish a regular routine for going over and visiting my Grandma
  90. Go away over night with Skip for our five year wedding anniversary
  91. Trust someone other than a family member to babysit Little M
  92. Write Little M a letter for her first birthday and continue this every year on her birthday
  93. Build a snowman with Little M
  94. Carve a pumpkin with Little M
  95. Go as a family every year to pick out our Christmas tree
  96. Learn to roller blade
  97. Crochet a large blanket for my family
  98. Learn to let go and relax more
  99. Take Little M to see the NYC Christmas tree and all the decorations
  100. Make another list of 100 things in year five years when this one is done!

Wow, this took me a whole lot longer than I thought it did. Now it's time to start getting things done. Wish me luck!!!


  1. Great post! I just hit my 100th today. Hmmm...

  2. I love this post...I hope you are able to accomplish all of these in 5 years!

    Happy Anniversary! I just celebrated my 4th wedding anniversary and was told that the first 5 years, you are considered newly weds and after that your considered an "old" married couple, lol!


  3. Hi Mandy!
    I found your blog through SITS. I like your list. I did a 100 things about me list and yours list of things to do is much more fun. I should do one of these too! I look forward to reading your blog! Check mine out too if you have a moment:


  4. Hi Mandy,
    Found your blog through SITS today. Your site is fun and cute! Please check out my blog if you can, I recently started and love comments.


  5. Happy 100th. SO, I am probably very behind but I noticed just today that you had started to follow my blog. (Sorry, been a little out of it lately!) I wanted to stop by and say thank you, and I am so glad that I will get to know you better. You have a cute blog!

  6. Congrats on 100! Wow that is a long list!

  7. Now that's a huge accomplishment just to write 100 things!! CONGRATS!


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