A 'Normal' Family

Skip had regular hours this week....like normal people's hours {well more like 8-4 than 9-5, but close enough} See, besides his regular responsibilities as a cop, Skip also does a few other things in his department. He marches in parades on holidays and does funerals and wakes for deceased cops or judges. He also teaches at the police academy sometimes, which is what he was doing this week. It has been so nice seeing him leave in the morning and come home every afternoon, no overtime, no nights. I've made dinner every night this week! {I definitely don't cook real meals when it's just me and the baby...I'm the queen of pizza bagels} And to top it all off, he's off this weekend...Saturday AND Sunday! Not that any of this really matters since I don't work anymore, but it is nice to feel like a 'normal' family for a change.

In celebration, we are going down the shore this weekend. We aren't going to leave until after 7 tonight, hoping most of the traffic will be gone by then. We're also hoping that since we're going to leave right around Little M's bedtime that she'll just sleep in the car. I sure hope this doesn't backfire on us! I'll let you know how it all went when we get back on Sunday. Have a fabulous weekend!!


  1. Have a great "normal family" weekend!! And I will keep my fingers crossed that Little M falls asleep in the car for you guys.


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