A Magical Evening

In just a few short hours I will be going to see this.....

I am like ridiculously excited. When the whole Harry Potter craze first started, I wanted nothing to do with it. I'm not really into magic and I thought they were more for kids. However, by chance I came across a free pair of tickets to opening night of the first movie. I went and have been hooked ever since! I would read each new book within two days of it coming out, and try my hardest to see the movie on opening day {I do however draw the line at going to a midnight showing last night though...girl's gotta sleep!} I cannot wait to check out the newest installment tonight with some friends. Not to mention that I haven't been to the movies since October, so that alone is exciting! It should be a fabulous evening! {A special thanks to my husband for agreeing to watch the baby tonight so I can go out. Love you babe!!}


  1. Woohoo, another Potter fanatic! We're heading out of here in just a few short hours to see and I cannot wait!

    An aside, do you remember the news story of people waiting in line outside Books-a-Million or Barnes and Nobles when HP and the Half-Blood Prince book first came out--some twit got first dibs, read the ending and then shouted, "Snape killed Dumbledore!" while he drove off. Boy, he teed-off a lot of people!

  2. My thirteen year old is a Harry Potter fan, so I'm sure he'll be asking about a trip to the movies soon. I'm more excited about you getting an evening out to enjoy yourself!


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