Baby Gear - Layette / Clothing

Ok, so I have been completely failing at keeping up at my baby gear posts. I promise to work on cranking these out! Here is the one on clothing for a newborn. A lot of this is self-explanatory, but I will give as many tips as I can!

Coming home outfit - The best option for this is pants with a side snap shirt. You don't really want anything rubbing on their belly button until it has fallen off.

4-6 Side snap undershirts - Great because you don't have to pull anything over their heads. They also won't rub on the belly button.

4-6 Receiving blankets - These are great for swaddling and wrapping the baby. Also good to just throw on the floor for them to play on when they get older.

2-4 Swaddling sets - I loved these when M was little. She *hated* having her arms swaddled, so I would just wrap it underneath her armpits and it worked so much better.

4-6 Footie outfits - Great as jammies

4-6 T-shirts

3-5 Pants -

2-4 Sweaters - You really don't need 2-4 sweaters and jackets. 2-4 of both total is fine.

2-4 Jackets

Dress up outfits - You're not really going to want to put them in anything fancy until they're much older. I also don't understand the crazy amount of crinoline they put under baby dresses. Seriously, 100% cotton dresses are the way to go.

2-4 Sleep sacks

4-6 Gowns - I never got any use out of these because when M was little she would only fall asleep if we strapped her in her swing first, so the gowns just weren't practical for us. They do sound like they would make late-night diaper changes much easier though.

9-12 Booties/socks - Great for keeping tiny toes toasty!

Caps/hats - Again, great for keeping them warm, and they look so darn cute!

Mittens - Definitely important. Little M was always scratching her face in the beginning. I also love the shirts that have the built in mittens.

Bunting for cold weather babies - I did buy a snow outfit since Little M was born at the end of November. I bought it in a 0-9 months size. However it was *huge* and I was never able to use it. Maybe she'll be tiny enough to wear it this year! Otherwise I'm hanging on to it for my next baby.


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