Bye Bye Newborn

I should not be allowed to go into Buy Buy Baby by myself, for many different reasons. The first being that I absolutely cannot control my spending. I have no problem not buying things for myself anymore. And it is important for me to carefully save for things I want for the house. But when it comes to things for my little girl, I just can't resist anything! {I will *have* to get better at this though when Little M is older and asking for everything in sight!}

Case in point...Little M and I went to B.B.B. the other day to get a gift for someone. I also wanted to pick up another teething pacifier as we seem to have lost the one we had {and Little M is teething like *crazy*} We did get the gift and paci, but by the time I walked out of there, about an hour later mind you, we also had some baby-proofing corners, a vibrating teething ring, and a Sesame Street dvd. I was this close to buying several outfits, but I knew I would be pushing it. Now, it's not like I bought a lot by any means, but it just proves how you can't walk into that store and only buy what you were looking for.

Another reason I should not go in there alone...I got sad walking around the aisles....really had to stop myself from crying sad. What made me so sad you ask? All of the teeny tiny cloths and newborn items (baby mittens and whatnot) that Little M no longer needs. She is only almost 8 months old, and there is so much she has grown out of! I have loved every stage of her little life so far, and am so excited for each stage the future holds, but it is still sad to think she will never again be a newborn. I know I want another child someday and will get to go through all the stages again, but my firstborn is getting so grown up. {Ok, I know I sound crazy since she's not even a year yet, but she just seems so old already!}

I don't know if I'm making sense at all anymore, so I'm going to go. I just wanted to share my slightly crazy overly emotional experience at B.B.B. the other day. I'd guess some of those hormones decided to stick around in my body! {or at least that's the story I'm sticking to!!}


  1. I know exactly what you mean. I found that I would get all weepy until they hit the year mark and then I kinda snapped out of the desire for the newborn stuff. I dont know if there is any correllation with the fact that they then keep you on your toes like no one elses buisness! But its hard, you keep looking back and looking forward at the same time. Its a wonder us moms dont fall on our faces or pull a muscle doing it.

    My last baby isnt even born yet and I'm worried he's going to go thru the baby phases too fast!

  2. I have a little 9 month boy and I know exactly what you mean! I miss the little ball that stays nestled up on my neck. Now all he wants to do is crawl and not be held and spit his food out. I still feel that way about my 6 yo and my 3 yo. It kills me to look at them sometimes even though I love the people they are becomming and look forward to the adults they will be.


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