Do I Count as a Newlywed Anymore?

Today was my husband and my four year wedding anniversary! I can't believe sometimes that I have been married that long. I know in the grand scheme of life, four years is not that long, but it seems that way when you are only 26 years old! Now that I have a daughter, it seems hard to imagine me being okay with her being married at such a young age. I give my parents so much credit for willingly giving me away to my husband...I guess they could just see how much we loved each other!

Skip and I had known each other less than a year when we got engaged, when I was only 21 years old {I will tell you all about that story when it is August 8th, our engagement anniversary}. We were then married less than a year after that; I was 22 and he was 23. We may have been young, but nothing felt more right to me. Our whole relationship was that way, and still is...everything just makes sense with him.

The day we got married was just perfect. It was warm and humid, but perfectly sunny. We got married in a small church where I had received all of my sacraments except for baptism. We had our reception at the same place my parents had had theirs. It was a smallish wedding of 72 of our family members and closest friends. I never let any of the wedding planning stuff stress me out. I was always just looking forward to our marriage, more than just the wedding ceremony. But the actual day was everything I had ever hoped for, filled with love, laughter, and tons of dancing.

I got to thinking today though, that I guess I can't really be classified as a "newlywed" anymore. After four years, two dogs, two house purchases, three jobs on my end, two on his, and a baby, we have been through a lot together. And I have enjoyed every step of the way.

Tonight we went out to dinner on Long Beach Island, my favorite place in the whole world. My sister lives five minutes away from where we are staying at my parent's house for vacation, so she baby-sat while we went out. After a dinner at my favorite restaurant we did a little shopping and then just walked along the darkened beach talking. It was absolutely perfect. I love that even though we are parents now, our marriage is even stronger and we still love spending time together. There is no one else in the world I would rather spend my life with.

Here are a few pictures from our wedding day, July 29, 2005.

Walking in to our reception. We walked in to bagpipers playing the "Marine Corps Hymn"

Taking our vows as husband and wife.

My dad walking me down the aisle.

My husband's face when he first saw me.

Reading the care to the most *beautiful* flowers my husband had sent to me the morning of our wedding


  1. Marriage is like a fine gets better with time. Hold on for the ride! I clicked on each picture to get close up views (smile). You're such a cutie pie!

  2. happy anniversary! you may not be newlyweds anymore but it sounds like your in an even better place!

  3. Hi Mandy, saw you at A Police Wife.

    Husband and I were both Marines and we knew each other only 4 months when we got married.

    We celebrate 24 years ... holy cow... two weekends from now! I forgot it was so soon. We're going on a houseboat vacation to celebrate.

    It's a long tough haul, and sometimes you wonder what you were thinking, but you just have to remember "there was something I loved about him... I guess I'd better figure it out all over again, because we're committed". It's always worked for me. At least once you get past the "we're perfect" stage. :)

  4. Aww, sweet! I love how you said everything just feels right with you two! You were a beautiful bride!


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