Don't You Want an Office Job Hunnie??

If you live in the Northern Jersey area, you have heard about one of the local cops that was shot and killed last week while on duty. He had been on the job for 10 years and had a wife and three small children at home. It is a story that has touched the hearts of everyone who has heard it.

As I mentioned before, my husband is on the Honor Guard for his department, and while he was not in the same department as the man who was killed, he still attended his funeral today. And they were not the only ones. Thousands of cops, both local and from as far away as Florida, came to show support for their fallen brother. Being a cop is very much like being in the military, in that your coworkers become like family. It is a dangerous job and you must learn to rely on the man next to you to possibly one day save your life, and for you to save theirs.

The local news channel covered the funeral procession both before and after the church mass. I watched as my way of honoring him, and also to see if I could find my husband amongst all the blue uniforms (yeah, definitely easier to find a needle in a haystack). All during the service the reports kept talking about how wonderful it was that so many cops showed up in support, and how each of them could one day face the same fate. They talked about how every time a cop leaves his house it could be for the last time. They said that each of them should go home and kiss their wives and children and be grateful for each day they had with them.

It was definitely an emotional news broadcast. I obviously was crying. The fact that my husband could die, or be injured, on duty is a very real possibility, but not one I like to think about on a regular basis. If I did I don't think I could ever get out of bed, I would be too nervous waiting for a phone call. Now northern New Jersey is not a dangerous area by any means (I live all of 15 minutes from where The Housewives of New Jersey was filmed) but things can still happen. It's funny because when Skip came home from Iraq people commented on how relieved I must be that he was home now and safe. That was definitely true, and being deployed to a combat zone is WAY more dangerous than his job now, but it's not like he came home to a safe office job somewhere. He continues to serve the community and put his life at risk everyday so we may all be safe. Hey anytime your husband has to wear a bullet-proof vest and carry a gun, you get a little nervous. But as much as I would love for Skip to have a nice safe job, I know that is not what he wants, and not what he is called in this life to do.

So today I would like to thank Skip for his continued service to his country and say just how proud of him I am. It takes a very special person to do what he does. I am blessed for each and every day I have with him. Thank you to all our police officers out there. We are safe each and every day because of you.


  1. God bless you and your family. Because of the military and the police - I feel safer and I am free... You are a woman of courage and love and I am proud to know you at least in blogger land.


  2. Amen and thanks for sharing this. Makes us all thankful for our loved ones.

  3. And it takes a special woman to love and support him. God bless you, Mandy.



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