Fourth of July Celebrations - Part Two

Sorry blogger buddies...I have failed at finishing up telling all of you about Little M's first Fourth of July party! We were down at my sister's Jersey shore house for a party. She and I have a lot of mutual friends and they all drove down too. I also got to hang out with my sister's friend from elementary school who I haven't seen in YEARS which was nice. She is expecting her first baby so I was happy to pass on as much wisdom as I could!

Little M was a huge hit (as always) and was sooo well behaved! She was perfectly happy to sit and play, and be passed around to everyone. She ate her strained dinner while the rest of us feasted on traditional hot dogs and hamburgers and all sorts of other goodies! My sister really knows how to throw a party! It was nice and relaxing.

We were going to go to see the fireworks on the water by my sister's house (well, M and I weren't going to go as she was passed out upstairs) but everyone was having too much fun to break up the party, so we just stayed at her house and watched them on TV. I actually liked that better because I got to still hang out with everyone, and Tiki Barber (my love) was hosting them on NBC so I was *uber* excited!!! We finally headed back to my parent's house around 11 and put Little M down in her crib. We got up early and left the next morning. It was a *fabulous* weekend and I can't wait to head down there again this Friday!!!!

Here are a few more pics from the party!

Cute family picture!
My older sister, me, my baby sis and M

Little M and her Mommy!


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