He's a Classic!

Earlier Little M and I went through our typical morning routine. She wakes up crying and I go in, pick her up, and change her diaper. Then I bring her back into bed with me and feed her a bottle while catching up on the morning news. Then she sits next to me and plays, watching Sesame Street, while I fire up our laptop and catch up on Facebook and read some blogs.

However, I got completely distracted today. Guess who made and appearance during the "Elmo's World" part of Sesame Street.....Super Grover!!!!! How many of you remember Grover's alter-ego, who never actually seemed to be able to save anyone or anything. It was such a flashback to my carefree childhood days and I was so happy to share it with my daughter. It's nice to see that some classic things don't change!!


  1. Oh. My. Gosh. LOL, thanks for sharing this because you've given me a fond memory to think about for today. I was a child when SS first hit the airwaves--I loved me some Grover and "Super Grover", his antics always brought a smile to my face.

    Have a Great Day and Thanks Again!

    Hugs ~ Sandy

  2. LOL!! Grover is great! I wonder how old he is because I loved him as a child and that was a looong time ago (smile).


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