I'll Take It!

Last night I decided to try and put Little M down 15 minutes later than normal. That did not go well. She was hot and way too overtired by that point. It took over half and hour to get her to go down and involved a ton of crying, rocking, singing, and stories. She finally went down at just about 8:00 pm, and to be honest I did not have a lot of hope that it would make her sleep later this morning.

Sure enough, she woke up at 5:15...which is 15 minutes earlier than she normally does {I think she was trying to tell me *not* to put her down later at night}. Skip was just about to get up for work anyway, so he got up, changed her diaper, and brought her in to me for her bottle. She drank it hungrily and then snuggled up with me. Normally she just wants to play after she eats, so I thought this might be a good sign that she was still tired. I let her snuggle for a few minutes and then got up to try and put her back to bed. I laid her down in her crib, closed the door, and told Skip I wanted to let her cry it out for 5 minutes. I was very hopeful when after only 30 seconds she stopped crying and was silent. I took advantage of the silence and quickly fell back to sleep myself.

I slept until Little M's cries woke me back up again. It took me a few minutes to get my bearings, and as I stumbled into her room I happened to glance at the clock in my room. You want to know what time it was?? 7:30!!! I could not believe it! Little M had gone back to bed for TWO hours!!! I was so excited! I would not have a problem at all with her waking up at 5:00 if she would just go back to sleep for a bit. I'm sure this won't become a regular thing with her, but I will enjoy it for today!


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