Newest Obsession

I am totally and utterly in love with my vacuum.  Now this is not a new vacuum, but one we've had since we bought this house about 15 months ago.  But this is not just any ordinary vacuum.  It is a central vacuuming system!! (I love how they call it a system)  

We had a central vac in our house when I was growing up, and my mom absolutely loved it.  I never really got the appeal since it involved lugging the giant hose and all the accessories around to every room.  Even when we first moved here it didn't seem all that impressive to me.  It is nice that I can move between our carpets and hardwood floors with only the quick switch of an attachment.  And the hose is long enough that I only have to move it when I move from one floor to the other.  But I honestly didn't think it suctioned as well as the old vacuum we had when we lived in the condo.

Tonight, however, all the negatives went right out of my mind.  I was vacuuming because well it needed it, and some of my friends are coming over tonight who have severe allergies.  And we have two dogs that shed, A LOT.  So I try to make the effort to at least get up the clumps of fur that seems to collect everywhere.  As I set up the vacuum, I realized that I probably should have dusted first.  But dusting is my least favorite household chore, so I put it off as much as possible.  I really needed to do it though, but didn't feel like getting  out the dusting cloths.

Then my brilliant idea came to me (and by brilliant idea I mean something that has probably occurred to millions of people around the world and I'm just catching on now).  I took the smallest, circular bristled attachment and decided to give dusting a try with that.  THE RESULTS WERE AMAZING!!!!!  I'm actually sad I didn't think to do this earlier.  It was so easy and it picked up more dust than I am ever able to with a rag.  I will never dust the same way again.  I'm actually excited to clean the upstairs of my house tomorrow.  Sad, I know, but sometimes it's the little things:) Let me know if you've found a new way to use something and how well it worked for you!


  1. How odd is it that I'm jealous that you have a central vac? What is happening in our lives that your excited about it and I'm jealous? Oh... we're moms!

  2. Mandy, I'm jealous too! :-)

    I would love to have a central vac someday, what a luxury. We have two short-haired dogs who shed a of those would make life soooo much easier!

    Have a wonderful Thursday ~ Sandy

  3. Jealous? A vacuum? You guys have me worried. I must be missing something or maybe it's because I'm older and I've been vacuuming a whoooole lot longer (lol).


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