
Six years ago today my best friend Kat invited me over her house to hang out in her backyard. It was a gorgeous summer evening and she and her boyfriend were having a few friends over. I had just finished my summer job as a camp counselor and was looking forward to a week off before heading back to University in Connecticut for my junior year. I was definitely not looking for a boyfriend.

My friend casually mentioned that a Marine was going to be there {I already sort of had this
huge thing for military guys}. I just thought that it would be someone I could talk to. Little did I know that this whole evening had already been planned out. Skip was best friend with Kat's boyfriend. Skip had been in their kitchen a few nights before. He was lamenting that he was looking for a girlfriend and proceeded to describe his 'perfect' girl. Kat jumped up and exclaimed, 'I know her!' He had apparently described me to a T. They then set the ball in motion for us to meet.

Anyways, I got to Kat's house and ended up sitting next to Skip on the wooden picnic table. We talked all night until he had to leave {he was in the police academy at the time, oh yea and was bald because of it!} I had a great time and told Kat I would definitely hang out with him again.

We hung out again four days later and the night after that went out on our first date. After that night I was done, I never looked at another boy after that. I was 20 years old and had just found the man of my dreams.

The past six year have been the best of my life, since I have had Skip by my side. We have been through so many happy, wonderful, sad, trying, amazing times together. Here's a little rundown of what we have been through:
- long distance
- college
- Police Academy
- Marines
- deployment
- engagement
- wedding
- death of a friend
- hospital visits
- pesky neighbors
- parties
- jobs
- buying a condo
- selling a condo
- buying a house
- two dogs
- tons of fish
- and a beautiful baby girl

There is no one I would rather go through life with than Skip. He is my rock and so much more than I ever dreamed of in a husband. I love you baby. Here's to many more years and memories together!

A picture of Skip and I the night we 'officially' became boyfriend/girlfriend. We looked like such babies!


  1. It's crazy how fast things go isn't it? Congrats to you on your past six years!

  2. Aw, great post!! Congrats on the past 6 years!

  3. You've had a very busy/wonderful six years! Here is to another six wonderful years and a lifetime of happiness!


  4. Looked like babies? Ha! You guys STILL look like babies (lol). Cute, mature babies.

  5. I love stories like this, where you are set up by friends and it WORKS! Congrats to you guys.


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