All the Single Ladies

I am a terrible, terrible influence on my daughter. Since she was a tiny baby, I watch the Today Show every morning...specifically the fourth hour with Kathie Lee and Hoda. They crack me up and add some humor to my day. A few months ago the two of them were obsessed with the Beyonce song "Single Ladies". They were constantly playing it on the show and dancing to it. Every time it would come on, I would dance around the room with Little M, telling her it was her song since she was single, haha. I would blast it in the car as well, whenever it came on the radio.

Well the other day Little M and I were in the car coming back from running errands. "Single Ladies" {which we haven't heard in a long time} came on the radio. I turned it up and wouldn't you know that Little M started clapping her hands and 'singing' along. I just started cracking up. Looks like I'm going to have to start watching what songs I play for Little M, or my luck she'll start singing 'Love Game' by Lady Gaga in the middle of church.


  1. haha, that is awesome. The Wee One enjoys breaking into song when his favorite tunes come on. I am having to sensor more too.


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