Busy, Busy, Busy

Okay, so I know that I really should be posting a "Wordless Wednesday" post filled with all the pictures from our beach vacation last week, but I completely neglected to upload them onto my computer. Oh, and we came down the shore again yesterday until Saturday, so there will be even *more* pictures I need to upload! I promise I will catch up eventually, it's just that this summer has just been so darn busy!!

Little M is moving all over the place now! No real crawling yet but it's coming any day now. She does manage to move herself around though! Oh and we think we've figured out what her first word is probably going to be. Of course my daughter has to be different and it isn't going to be anything traditional like 'Mama' or 'Dada'. It's going to be 'Braddock'. That is the name of our bulldog Mr. B. All day M keeps saying 'Braa, Braa' so it's only a matter of time before 'Braddock' comes out, haha.

We are enjoying our second week down the shore. I got to lay on the beach for a few hours with my sister yesterday while Skip watched the baby. It was so relaxing. Today was all rainy and stormy, but as my sister says, 'A bad day at the beach is better than any day at home!' So true. I love being here, but it will be nice to get back home again and back into a routine. I feel like we've been vacationing, day tripping, and going to parties like *crazy* the past few weeks. It's been wonderful, but also exhausting. I will miss the husband when he's back at work on his regular rotating schedule again though. I will also miss sleeping in, because he has been so wonderful about getting up with the baby almost every day he's been off. It's been fabulous let me tell you!!


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