Don't Go in the Water

If you know me at all personally, you know what I am doing all this week. I'm parked in front of my TV watching the Discovery Channel's annual SHARK WEEK!!!! I'm absolutely obsessed, as are many of my other friends. What's weird is that I hate the Jaws movies, but love hearing everything else about sharks. I also love that the first recorded death of a human by a shark took place in Beach Haven, Long Beach Island, NJ in 1916. Yes that's the SAME EXACT BEACH I WAS SWIMMING IN LAST WEEK!! Freaky. Anyways, must get back to the shows. Tune in and check it out!


  1. Me too. It's so terrifying, yet so exciting and interesting.

  2. Haha. I LOVE shark week. One of my dreams in life is to go in a Shark Cage some day.

  3. It's so strange...I love Jaws and all things sharks but am terrified of the ocean so much that I rarely venture out past me knees. A few weeks ago my hubby wanted me to swim out to a sandbar with him and I completely froze and couldn't do it because all I could see were shots of the beach on the news where they do helicopter flyover shots...that's where the darn things hang out with swimmers only a few feet away!

    And, this is embarrassing but here it goes--a couple of years ago my children were in the ocean and I had a total freak out. My son was on a boogie board in water about chest high on my daughter's River Rat inner-tube. My daughter and I were in knee-deep water when I saw a dorsal fin and panicked. I yelled, "Get out of the water! Shark, shark! Get. Out. Nowwwwwww!" My son promptly jumped from the inner-tube but it slipped from his hand and I said, "Leave it there and get on the shore", while my daughter and I ran up to the beach. Everyone panting, hands on their knees, both kids looked at me and said simultaneously, "Mom, it's a dolphin, not a shark!" daughter's float was lost to the Gulf of Mexico.

    Hugs ~ Sandy

  4. Ugh, I cannot watch Shark Week! If I did, I'd never go in the ocean again!!

  5. hi, mandy! our couch is from value city furniture..although its likely the same brand! we LOVE it!!

    i like shark week too. sharks scare me, so its fun to watch from the comfort of my home. :)


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