Dunna Na Na Dunna Na Na Elmo's World

My 8 month old daughter is obsessed with Sesame Street, Elmo specifically. I know that as a mom I am not supposed to let any children under the age of 2 watch TV but I just don't care, haha. Anyways she's only allowed to watch that one show, so it can't be all bad. And if you could see the look on her face any time Elmo is on, there's no way you could deny her either. She just sits next to me the whole hour watching intently, taking in every moment, laughing and clapping her hands. It is the only thing that can calm her down when she is having a serious meltdown. My husband and I are constantly wandering around the house with her singing various "Elmo" songs. {and occasionally singing them even after she's gone to sleep} I leave you with a picture of her watching Elmo, with her Elmo! What are the shows your children can't get enough of??


  1. LOL! Cute picture! Sesame Street was always a favorite of my little ones...when they were little. Sometimes while channel surfing, I'll see Sesame Street and just have to stop for a few minutes. It's a classic.


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