Missing a Newborn

I've heard of parents getting sad as their children grow up and out of the newborn stage. However, my Little M has decided she's said that she is no longer a tiny little baby and so has reverted to being a newborn. She has been waking up every few hours during the night {even though she never woke up this much when she was *actually* a newborn!}. It is making for a very tired mommy, let me tell you. Hence the lack of blogging much recently.

I'm not exactly sure what is causing it; I think it's really a combination of things. Some times she's hungry and wants another bottle. Some times she is gassy. Some times she's practicing her new sitting up, crawling, pulling up skills. Some times we leave the A/C on too long and she gets a little cold. And some times it is purely separation anxiety and she just wants her mom.

Skip and I are just trying to take it in stride for right now, and nap when she naps as much as possible. We're at a total loss as to how to help her sleep better. She's on a great feeding and napping schedule. We do the same bedtime routine every night. What else is there?? I'm just keeping my fingers crossed that she grows out of this stage *very* soon. I feel like I'm in a fog most of the day and I'm really only able to get things done when Skip is off. Veteran mommies, please tell me this is normal and she will eventually start sleeping nice and regularly!

PS...I finally caved and joined Twitter. Come follow me! My name is mommusings


  1. Hang in there. She'll settle down again. I'm sure that you are right, and it is a combination of all of those things. And sometimes it doesn't matter if you know WHY, it is still happening, and that doesn't make it any easier to cope with. But she'll sort it out.



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