Mommy Lesson

We learned an important lesson as parents about Little M the other night. Now that she's bigger and able to sit up in restaurant high chairs now, we've been taking her out with us more recently. So the other night was Skip's grandmother's 90th birthday, and the family was all getting together for dinner out at a nearby restaurant. The dinner was at 6 so we decided to keep M up a little later that night and take her with us. She was absolutely wonderful the first 45 minutes and then started to get really cranky. I took her outside for about 15 minutes and walked around with her. Skip came and got me when our food was served. I came back in and ate exactly two bites of food before she started crying again, so I took her back out. Skip came and got me about 10 minutes later when he had finished eating. He said he would stay out there and I could go eat. I didn't think it was fair for us to spend the rest of the party rotating outside, so we just made the decision to leave. They wrapped up my dinner and we headed out. Little M fell asleep as soon as we put her in the car and went right to bed when we got home. So no more dinners out for the M. At least not for a long time.

I know people have made comments about how we refused to take M out in the past, saying we were just being ridiculous and people take their kids out all the time. I know this is true, but I also know that I have had many meals ruined because people have dragged their crying, cranking, running around children out with them. I don't think it's fair to the kids or to the people around them. It also can't be {and isn't as I learned the other night} fun for the parents when they are up and down trying to make sure their kids are under control. {Although I have also seem many parents who just sit there and seem oblivious. Those are the people that aggravate me the most.} However, now everyone got to see that there is a reason we are keeping her home. I did feel terrible though, having to leave in the middle of dinner. But we had made a choice to bring her and then had to make the sacrifice to take her home and do what's best for her. Now we know and can plan accordingly for the future!


  1. I think all parents learn this one the hard way. We have tried this a few times with the Wee One. Now we know exactly how far we can push his sleep time before the break down comes.
    If people think you are being anti-social they clearly don't have young kids, or you should tell them to pay for a baby-sitter and then you guys can go to a late dinner party.

  2. This is a great post! Nothing is worse than listening to a baby cry through a meal at a restaurant - it takes all the joy of having someone else cook for me.. I commend you!

  3. I really like this post. I am with you 100%. I refuse to take Josiah and let him ruin someone else's meal. I'm very careful about where we take him and how he behaves.

  4. Yea... it seems like we always learn this the hard way. I totally get why you don' take her out. Sometimes people just don't get it... I mean each child is different, they aren't all going to act the same! Ya know?!

  5. I commend you for doing the responsible and courteous thing. I agree with you. Too many parents don't care about disrupting and ruining things for those around them. Thank you for being so courteous to those around you. I know from experience with my own lovely son that it isn't always the easiest thing to do!

  6. I'm all for taking my kids out with me, I figure they are my posse they can roll with me, but I do it on their schedule and I use common sense. Which it sounds like you should get lots of credit for! : ) smart mommy.


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